
論我國實施mbo的可行性及其信托解決方案 碩士學位論文.doc


論我國實施mbo的可行性及其信托解決方案 碩士學位論文,內 容 摘 要管理者收購(mbo)興起于上世紀八十年代,它通過管理層購買公司的大部分股份或資產,實現(xiàn)管理層對決策控制權、剩余控制權和剩余索取權的接管,從而降低代理成本。由于我國擁有大量的需要從一般競爭性領域退出的國有企業(yè),作為推動國企改革的途徑之一,mbo在中國有著廣闊的市場。本文從mbo的特點出發(fā),結合mbo的相關理...
分類: 論文>經濟學論文


此文檔由會員 wjwjwjc 發(fā)布

內 容 摘 要

關鍵詞:管理者收購     可行性      信托       解決方案
Management Buy-outs(MBO)emerged in the eighties last century. It can reduce agency's cost and lower down the restraint to manager's power effectively through the realization of the takeovers of decision-making rights of control,residual rights of control and residual claim right by the way of manager's purchase of the company.
Proceeding from characteristic of MBO, this thesis cites the relevant theories of MBO and analyses the extra cost to modern enterprises caused by the separation of ownership and management. And with the relevant mathematics model, the author proposes lowest agency cost occurs only when managers’ income totally depend on enterprise surplus through institutional arrangement. So on the basis of it, this thesis makes a deep discuss on the feasibility of MBO in China combing relevant legal policies with the reality of China. Then taking the advantages of trust company, the thesis puts forward the trust solution on MBO in our country on the respects of the illegal MBO purchase subject, financing difficulty etc. because of the restriction on some policies in the course of implementing MBO of Chinese enterprise at present.
In order to state, the thesis also takes the example of one un-public company planning to implement MBO in Dalian and discusses such details of operation as the sources of refund, refund time, the price of stock right transfer, the legal question involved and the function of the trust company in it. And at last the author draws the conclusion that the trust company is the most effective mechanism to solve the MBO difficulties that many enterprises face in China at present.

Keywords: Management Buy-outs
              The solution
目     錄
1 緒  論 1
1.1 選題背景 1
1.2 本論文要解決的問題 2
1.3 研究方法和體系結構 2
1.4 本文的創(chuàng)新點 3
2 MBO的基礎理論 4
2.1 MBO基礎 4
2.1.1 MBO的含義 4
2.1.2 MBO的發(fā)展 4
2.1.3 MBO與LBO的關系 5
2.1.4 MBO的特點 6
2.1.5 我國MBO的主要方式 7
2.2 西方有關MBO的主要理論 8
2.2.1 共享經濟理論 8
2.2.2 專屬性人力資源假說 8
2.2.3 信息不對稱性假說 9
2.2.4 人力資本激勵理論 9
2.2.5 代理理論 10
2.2.6 敵意收購抗拒說 11
3 我國推行MBO的可行性分析 13
3.1 兩權分離會帶來額外成本 13
3.1.1 所有權與經營權分離的基礎 13
3.1.2 所有權與經營權相分離的額外成本 13
3.2 MBO是解決國有企業(yè)中存在問題的有效方式 16
3.2.1 MBO可以減少兩權分離帶來的成本 16
3.2.2 MBO是一種有效的激勵經營者的手段 18
3.2.3 MBO的約束作用是解決 “內部人控制” 的方式之一 19
3.2.4 MBO是國有資產從非競爭性行業(yè)中退出的方式之一 21
3.3 我國目前已具備了推行MBO的基礎 22
3.3.1 在企業(yè)改革上已具備了實施MBO先決條件 22
3.3.2 己存在實施MBO的投資對象 22
3.3.3 已具有了實施MBO所需風險投資的資本庫 22
3.3.4已具有實施MBO的一些風險投資家 23
3.4 實施MBO的依據 23
3.4.1 法律依據 23
3.4.2 政策依據 24
3.4.3 事實依據 26
3.5 我國實施MBO的企業(yè)所應具備的條件 26
4 我國MBO實施中的信托解決方案 28
4.1 中外企業(yè)MBO的現(xiàn)狀比較 28
4.2 中國企業(yè)實施MBO的政策限制 29
4.2.1收購主體的限制 29
4.2.2收購資金來源的限制 30
4.2.3稅收問題 31
4.3 信托是解決MBO難題的有效工具 31
4.3.1 信托的含義及本質 31
4.3.2 信托的特點 32
4.3.3 MBO信托的含義 34
4.3.4 信托是解決MBO難題的有效工具 34
4.4 MBO信托的方案設計 37
4.4.1 目標公司的基本情況 37
4.4.2 方案實施的前提 38
4.4.3 籌措收購資金 38
4.4.4 方案細節(jié) 41
4.4.5有關問題的說明 44
4.4.6關于MBO信托中涉及的法律問題解釋 52
4.4.7方案評價 53
5 結論與展望 54
5.1 結論 54
5.2 展望 54
參 考 文 獻 55
后   記 58