


石佛溝特大橋專項施工方案,目 錄前 言1第一章 概述21.1編制依據(jù)21.2編制目的21.3工程概況21.3.1工程規(guī)模及主要工程量21.3.2水文與地質概況21.3.3施工用電及用水3第二章 總體施工組織布置及規(guī)劃42.1總體目標42.2質量方針、目標42.3環(huán)境方針、目標與指標42.4職業(yè)健康安全方針、目標與指標52...
分類: 論文>土木工程/建筑論文


此文檔由會員 aa234217 發(fā)布


目  錄
前 言 1
第一章  概述 2
1.1編制依據(jù) 2
1.2編制目的 2
1.3工程概況 2
1.3.1工程規(guī)模及主要工程量 2
1.3.2水文與地質概況 2
1.3.3施工用電及用水 3
第二章 總體施工組織布置及規(guī)劃 4
2.1總體目標 4
2.2質量方針、目標 4
2.3環(huán)境方針、目標與指標 4
2.4職業(yè)健康安全方針、目標與指標 5
2.5各作業(yè)面施工機具、人員的配置及協(xié)調 5
2.6施工環(huán)境總體布置規(guī)劃 5
2.6.1項目部及各施工隊駐地建設 5
2.6.2拌和站及預制場 6
2.7工期總體安排 6
2.7.1安排原則 6
2.7.2各分項工程進度計劃 6
第三章 各分項工程的施工方案、施工方法 8
3.1施工測量、放樣 8
3.2鉆孔灌注樁施工 8
3.2.1配套的施工隊及機械情況 8
3.2.2具體施工工藝如下 9
3.3承臺施工 12
3.3.1配套的施工隊及機械情況 12
3.3.2具體施工工藝如下 13
3.4橋梁墩柱施工 14
3.4.1配套的施工隊及機械情況 14
3.4.2工期進度計劃 15
3.4.3墩柱翻模施工技術 15
3.4.4滑模施工 18
3.4.5安全措施 22
3.5蓋梁施工 22
3.5.1配套的施工隊及機械情況 22
3.5.2工期進度計劃 22
3.5.3具體施工工藝如下 23
3.6   50mT梁預制 24
3.6.1配套的施工隊及機械情況 24
3.6.2工期進度計劃 24
3.6.3具體施工工藝 25
3.7 T梁吊裝 32
3.7.1配套的施工隊及機械情況 32
3.7.2工期進度計劃 32
3.7.3具體吊裝工藝 32
第四章 確保工程質量和工期的措施 34
4.1質量保證措施 34
4.2工期保證措施 35
第五章  冬季和雨季的施工安排 37
5.1冬季施工的要求及措施 37
5.2、雨季施工安排 38
5.3農忙季節(jié)的施工安排 39
第六章  質量、安全保證體系 40
6.1質量保證體系 40
6.1.1質量負責人職責 40
6.1.2質量計劃 41
6.1.3質量控制 41
6.1.4質量教育 42
6.1.5重點管理辦法 42
6.2安全保證體系 43
第七章  安全保證措施 45
第八章  環(huán)境保護措施 47
8.1環(huán)境保護組織機構 47
8.2環(huán)境保護的主要措施 47
第九章 結束語 49
致  謝 50
參考文獻 51

摘 要


關鍵詞:石拂溝  施工組織設計  編制依據(jù)  施工方案與方法
In civil engineering project management, construction organization design is an important and indispensable project management tool. In engineering design and construction phases, we must develop the corresponding construction design documents, namely, depth, contents coarse-to fine the "construction plan", "amendment to the construction plan," "construction organization plan," "construction organization design." During the construction phase, the construction units to prepare the implementation of construction design, construction design has been approved at this time, all the construction principles and the overall program has been set, construction conditions clear, at this stage of the construction organization design is very specific,
The various sub-projects, the processes and the construction team should be carried out the construction progress schedule and the design of the concrete operation. This article will use an example of Yang Yi Expressway, from the perspective of the construction unit of the construction phase of the preparation of the overall project construction organization design documents, to illustrate the preparation of civil engineering construction organization design tasks, contents, methods and requirements. The preparation of construction organization design is the one engaged in civil engineering professional and technical staff must master basic skills, the University can learn more systematic and scientific expertise to review and organize.
Highway construction organization design is to study the process of road infrastructure in a reasonable number of elements of the organization and arrangements for science. Some concrete, the highway construction organization design is to give overall consideration to the entire construction process. Namely, manpower, materials, machinery, capital, construction method, construction-site (space) and other major factors, according to their environment, natural conditions, construction schedules and other rational organization, arrangement, so that an orderly, in order to achieve planned , organized and balanced construction, to achieve the shortest possible duration, quality, high precision, as far as possible, funding as much as possible provinces, the cost as low as possible.
After careful reading of existing drawings, closer look at the scene, combined with the strength and the construction of the company's unique management experience in similar projects, construction advantages, the spirit of "simple to the point, telling" principle, this contract involves the construction of the content section, combined with the tender document the relevant requirements, reasonable plans, organizational arrangements.

KEY WORDS: Construction Design    Prepared on the basis   Programs and methods of construction