原文檔由會(huì)員 渭水亭榭 發(fā)布
?a òa
The rapid development of biodiesel production by transesterification of vegetable oils or animal fats with methanol or ethanol yields large amounts of glycerol as a by-product. The influx of the biodiesel-derived glycerol into the commodity glycerol market leads to a rapid decline in the glycerol price, which in turn in-creases the production cost of biodiesel. Therefore, conversion of glycerol into high value-added chemicals is desirable, which will help to improve the economy of the biodiesel industry. Among the plentiful chemicals derived from glycerol, propylene glycol has attracted much attention from researchers in recent years because of its wide applications in pharmaceuticals, antifreezers, foods, agricultural adjuvants, etc.
This design according to chooses raw material, make the production plan and process according to the production process, then demonstrated materials calculation, heat balance capacity to calculate, according to the appropriate selection of equipment and pipe size design. Finally the cost of production for simple production cost budget and simple economic benefit analysis. This design with reservation of the production conditions, rendering drawings are: production flow chart, production workshop layout, workshop made a major equipment profile figure, figure.
Keywords: glycerin £?glycol£?material calculation, heat calculation, equipment selection
?? ??
1 ??ê? 6
1.1 òò?t′???àíD??ê 6
1.2 òò?t′??ˉ?§D??ê 6
1.3 òò?t′??÷òaó?í? 7
2 òò?t′?êD3?·??? 8
2.1è??òòò?t′?êD3???1? 8
2.1.12ú?ü 8
2.1.2Dè?ó 8
2.1.3êD3???·??á11·??? 10
2.2 1ú?úòò?t′?êD3???1? 10
2.2.11?ó| 10
2.2.2Dè?ó 11
2.3 òò?t′??-óa(chǎn)1¤×÷éè???°êD3??¤2a 11
2.4 òò?t′?êD3??¤2a 11
2.4.1òò?t′?êD3?×?ê??¤2a 12
2.4.21ú?úòò?t′?Dè?ó?¤2a 12
2.4.3?ò1úòò?t′?μ?·¢?1?¨òé 12
3 3§?·???? 13
3.1 ?????a?¨μ?μ? 13
3.2 3§?·?ù?ú??????×′ 13
3.2.1μ?μ?ó?μ?àí???? 13
3.2.23§?·íáμ?è¨ê?àà±e?°??μ????y 13
4 éú2ú1¤ò? 14
4.1 1¤ò?á÷3ìí? 14
4.2 ??á?oa??ê?òaí? 15
4.2.1?êóí??±?òò?t′? 15
4.2.2òò?t′?μ????? 16
4.3 ·′ó|·?3ìê? 16
4.3.1?÷·′ó|£o 16
4.3.2 ?±·′ó|£o 16
5 èèá?oa?? 17
5.1 ?êóí??±?òò?t′?èèá?oá??ê?òaí? 17
5.2 2ú?·μ??·?3òò?? 18
5.2.1 ???è 18
5.2.2 ????êa?è 18
5.3 ?êóí??±?òò?t′?1y3ìèèá?oa?? 18
5.3.1 ?¤èè?÷?ùDèμ?èèá? 18
5.3.2 ·′ó|?÷?ùDèμ?èèá? 21
5.3.3 à??y?÷?ùDèμ?èèá? 22
5.4 òò?t′??????×?? 24
5.4.1à??y?÷1?ù·?3?μ?èèá? 24
5.4.2à??y?÷2?ù·?3?μ?èèá? 25
5.4.3?????¤èè?÷1?ùDèμ?èèá? 25
5.4.4éá???÷?ùDèμ?èèá? 25
6 1ü?·?????°éè±???Dí 27
6.1 1ü?·???? 27
6.1.1?êóí?????×??1ü?·???? 27
6.1.2μ?èèóí1ü?·???? 30
6.1.3òò?t′??????×??1ü?·???? 32
6.2éè±???Dí 33
6.2.1 ?÷òa??èè?÷??Dí 33
6.2.2 ?÷òaéè±???Dí 39
6.2.3 ·??÷òaéè±?μ????? 41
6.2.4?÷òaéè±?ò?àà±í 42
7 ?·?3±£?¤ó?°2è?′?ê? 45
7.1?·?3±£?¤ 45
7.1.1·???′|àí 45
7.1.2·??ü′|àí 45
7.2°2è?′?ê? 45
8 í?×ê·?°? 46
8.1 í?×ê1à?? 46
8.1.1?¨?t1¤3ì·? 46
8.1.2éè±?1o??·? 47
8.2 ????í?×ê1à?? 49
8.3 ????·?ó?μ??¤??·?·¨ 49
8.3.11¤×ê?°?£à?·? 49
9 2????à?? 50
9.1 2????à???ù′?êy?Y??è? 50
9.1.12??????? 50
9.1.2?????ú£¨êù?ü?ú£? 50
9.1.32????à????±ê 50
9.2 ?÷òa2????à1౨??±í 51
9.2.1í?×ê1à??±í 51
9.2.2×@@é±?1à??±í 51
9.2.3è?2?í?×ê???eá÷á?oí2???·???±í 51
9.3?-??D§ò?oíé??áD§ò?·??? 51
9.3.1?-??D§ò? 51
9.3.2é??áD§ò? 51
?áê?ó? 52
?? D? 53
2??????× 54
???? 55
[1]à??e±?,?????é,3??¨éè.YSò?′??ˉ?á?D?????1[J]. ?D1ú?ˉ1¤±¨,2010,16(1):31-35
The rapid development of biodiesel production by transesterification of vegetable oils or animal fats with methanol or ethanol yields large amounts of glycerol as a by-product. The influx of the biodiesel-derived glycerol into the commodity glycerol market leads to a rapid decline in the glycerol price, which in turn in-creases the production cost of biodiesel. Therefore, conversion of glycerol into high value-added chemicals is desirable, which will help to improve the economy of the biodiesel industry. Among the plentiful chemicals derived from glycerol, propylene glycol has attracted much attention from researchers in recent years because of its wide applications in pharmaceuticals, antifreezers, foods, agricultural adjuvants, etc.
This design according to chooses raw material, make the production plan and process according to the production process, then demonstrated materials calculation, heat balance capacity to calculate, according to the appropriate selection of equipment and pipe size design. Finally the cost of production for simple production cost budget and simple economic benefit analysis. This design with reservation of the production conditions, rendering drawings are: production flow chart, production workshop layout, workshop made a major equipment profile figure, figure.
Keywords: glycerin £?glycol£?material calculation, heat calculation, equipment selection
?? ??
1 ??ê? 6
1.1 òò?t′???àíD??ê 6
1.2 òò?t′??ˉ?§D??ê 6
1.3 òò?t′??÷òaó?í? 7
2 òò?t′?êD3?·??? 8
2.1è??òòò?t′?êD3???1? 8
2.1.12ú?ü 8
2.1.2Dè?ó 8
2.1.3êD3???·??á11·??? 10
2.2 1ú?úòò?t′?êD3???1? 10
2.2.11?ó| 10
2.2.2Dè?ó 11
2.3 òò?t′??-óa(chǎn)1¤×÷éè???°êD3??¤2a 11
2.4 òò?t′?êD3??¤2a 11
2.4.1òò?t′?êD3?×?ê??¤2a 12
2.4.21ú?úòò?t′?Dè?ó?¤2a 12
2.4.3?ò1úòò?t′?μ?·¢?1?¨òé 12
3 3§?·???? 13
3.1 ?????a?¨μ?μ? 13
3.2 3§?·?ù?ú??????×′ 13
3.2.1μ?μ?ó?μ?àí???? 13
3.2.23§?·íáμ?è¨ê?àà±e?°??μ????y 13
4 éú2ú1¤ò? 14
4.1 1¤ò?á÷3ìí? 14
4.2 ??á?oa??ê?òaí? 15
4.2.1?êóí??±?òò?t′? 15
4.2.2òò?t′?μ????? 16
4.3 ·′ó|·?3ìê? 16
4.3.1?÷·′ó|£o 16
4.3.2 ?±·′ó|£o 16
5 èèá?oa?? 17
5.1 ?êóí??±?òò?t′?èèá?oá??ê?òaí? 17
5.2 2ú?·μ??·?3òò?? 18
5.2.1 ???è 18
5.2.2 ????êa?è 18
5.3 ?êóí??±?òò?t′?1y3ìèèá?oa?? 18
5.3.1 ?¤èè?÷?ùDèμ?èèá? 18
5.3.2 ·′ó|?÷?ùDèμ?èèá? 21
5.3.3 à??y?÷?ùDèμ?èèá? 22
5.4 òò?t′??????×?? 24
5.4.1à??y?÷1?ù·?3?μ?èèá? 24
5.4.2à??y?÷2?ù·?3?μ?èèá? 25
5.4.3?????¤èè?÷1?ùDèμ?èèá? 25
5.4.4éá???÷?ùDèμ?èèá? 25
6 1ü?·?????°éè±???Dí 27
6.1 1ü?·???? 27
6.1.1?êóí?????×??1ü?·???? 27
6.1.2μ?èèóí1ü?·???? 30
6.1.3òò?t′??????×??1ü?·???? 32
6.2éè±???Dí 33
6.2.1 ?÷òa??èè?÷??Dí 33
6.2.2 ?÷òaéè±???Dí 39
6.2.3 ·??÷òaéè±?μ????? 41
6.2.4?÷òaéè±?ò?àà±í 42
7 ?·?3±£?¤ó?°2è?′?ê? 45
7.1?·?3±£?¤ 45
7.1.1·???′|àí 45
7.1.2·??ü′|àí 45
7.2°2è?′?ê? 45
8 í?×ê·?°? 46
8.1 í?×ê1à?? 46
8.1.1?¨?t1¤3ì·? 46
8.1.2éè±?1o??·? 47
8.2 ????í?×ê1à?? 49
8.3 ????·?ó?μ??¤??·?·¨ 49
8.3.11¤×ê?°?£à?·? 49
9 2????à?? 50
9.1 2????à???ù′?êy?Y??è? 50
9.1.12??????? 50
9.1.2?????ú£¨êù?ü?ú£? 50
9.1.32????à????±ê 50
9.2 ?÷òa2????à1౨??±í 51
9.2.1í?×ê1à??±í 51
9.2.2×@@é±?1à??±í 51
9.2.3è?2?í?×ê???eá÷á?oí2???·???±í 51
9.3?-??D§ò?oíé??áD§ò?·??? 51
9.3.1?-??D§ò? 51
9.3.2é??áD§ò? 51
?áê?ó? 52
?? D? 53
2??????× 54
???? 55
[1]à??e±?,?????é,3??¨éè.YSò?′??ˉ?á?D?????1[J]. ?D1ú?ˉ1¤±¨,2010,16(1):31-35
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